Today I promised my friend I would update my blog... and more importantly to continue to update the blog. Hmmm, I hope I can keep that commitment. You can see in all the time I've had this- how often I've said I would do better then didn't. This time I think I might do better I have not only more time, well- at least I'm a stay at home mom now- not working full time (so not really "more" time) but I have more motivation. What is that motivation... my best friend.
Today I feel like a little kid again moving away from my friends- feeling like I have to start all over- wondering if they will ever be replaced... or if I will be replaced. Only this time I'm not the one moving. My best friend (and her family) are moving out of state. :( I'm not the person who has friends from high school they stay in touch with, or that has lots of friends. I guess I'm pretty private and with moving A LOT growing up I didn't spend my whole childhood with the same friends, so to me that makes this friendship even more special. We have been friends for 7 1/2 years. In that time we've been though quit a bit together. 7 moves around the state, lots of baseball games, random crafts, concerts and practices, and watched more sporting events together than I'm sure she ever wanted to see. We've been through all those guys she dated before she found "the one". (and we sure are happy they found each other!) She trusted me and my mom to make her wedding dress, and somehow we ended up pregnant at the same time, having babies that are 3 days apart. That's a lot right? But looking back at what I just wrote, that doesn't cover even half the memories- the tears shed, out of sorrow and happiness. She was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. She was there so I wasn't alone while Kevin traveled playing baseball. She was there to talk to, and she didn't judge. She loved me for who I am, and it was so easy to be her friend.
Something weird in life is that you never know if you mean as much to someone else as they mean to you. Well, she means a lot to me. She's like a little sister, but different. Growing up is great and hard all at the same time. I love where my life is right now, but it also means that school gets finished and jobs take people away.
So, now what?
Thank you Kevin for the hugs and words of reason. (I am aware I'm not 12 yrs. old anymore. :) )
And here are the things that help me not cry:
We have the internet now, facebook, instagram, and yes blogs
Free Mobile to Mobile calling
Face time
And my Mom works for Delta, so I can fly for cheep :)
Mallory you are the best. You are a friend like I've never had before. To me you are irreplaceable. I really will try to update this blog on top of keep in touch other ways. I can't wait to see you! Maybe I can squeak in a visit before Chicago. Good luck on your new life adventure. I'm sure it will be wonderful and exciting. We love you guys!
You feel like you're 12 and I feel like a baby. A cry baby. Seriously I have never been so sad to leave a friend. You're my best friend who is also like my big it's not like you can get away from me, or me from you. I am grateful to know that just because we live far away is not a reason to stop being best friends or not see each other. It just means we get to see each other in cool places! I'm excited that we already have a plan to see each other soon! And during every visit, we'll plan the next one :) You have taught me so much, and you and Kevin were always such an example to me of a good and happy marriage. You were there through the very hard times and the happiest. I wish we could create a memory book straight from our combined brains that played like a movie so we could watch all our memories together. That would be the best book/movie ever. And you better believe I will be bugging you to update your blog. So unless you plan on ignoring your best friends requests, I think you'll make good on your promise :)
I love you Mari-Beth!
I'm so glad you've made the commitment! I look forward to seeing more about what's going on with you guys! Miss you! :)
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